Re-Refine Waste Oils into Valuable Products:
Waste Oils may be used for:
- Fuels: Diesel, Turbine, Burner, Waste Oil Heater, etc.
- Diesel Fuel Lubricity Additives
- Special & General Lubricants: Cutting Oil, Lubricating Oil, etc.
- Small Engine Oils: Chain Saw Bar Oil, 2-Cycle Oil, etc.
- Hydraulic Oil (Re-Refined hydraulic oil)
- Concrete Form Release Oil
Contaminated Fuels may be used for:
- Engine, Turbine & Burner Fuels
- Thinning Heavier Fuels in cold weather or for small engines & burners
- Cutting Gums in Vegetable Oils used as fuel
- Cleaners & Solvents
Solvents may be used for:
- Solvents
- Cleaners
- Thinning Heavier Oils
- Cutting Gums in Vegetable Oils used as fuel
How is this possible? We make inexpensive Micro Refineries that remove solid contaminants, AND water-based contaminants such as acids & salts, in a single step without the need for heat, electricity or chemicals, turning waste you have to pay to get rid of, into valuable products you otherwise would have to buy.
What makes Waste Oils, Fuels & Solvents so Valuable?
We’d heard that fuel costs were driving some farmers out of business , so we decided to demonstrate some ways they could get some economic relief at the local fairs and Farmers Market. When we showed our micro Refinery that can clean up waste oils so well that they can be burned as diesel fuel in many engines, one man started to tremble. I feared he might be having a heart attack but he said: ‘Do you mean to tell me that the 2000 gallons of waste oil I just paid $700 to have hauled away could have been made into $8000 worth of fuel?’ I had to answer: “Yes” …Waste Oils, Fuels & Solvents are worth a lot.
Farmers, Equipment Operators, Truckers, Dredge Operators, Fishermen, Manufacturers, Preppers, Shop Owners, Restaurants, and ordinary people either haul it yourself to a recycling center OR PAY $0.35-$0.85/gallon to dispose of Waste Oils, Old Fuels and Used Solvents; most of which can be cheaply turned into the very useful products you have to turn around and pay money to buy.
EITHER pay $0.35-$0.85/gallon to give your resources to someone else to profit from
OR invest 13-48¢/gallon to turn it into products you’re now paying $3.00-$20.00/gallon for…
Important: Did you know that Biodiesel is 80% Petroleum Diesel + only 20% Biodiesel?
The question is not: “Can you afford to invest in a Refinery?” but rather: “How can you afford not to?”
For more information, please call us at 828-771-6214